Samplitude pro x3 review
Samplitude pro x3 review

Like many others, it is based around zPlane’s Elastique Pro time-stretching algorithm. Mercifully, this has now been addressed, and Magix have designed their own version of Flextime/Audio Warp/Bend, called Musical Tempo Adjustment (MTA).

samplitude pro x3 review samplitude pro x3 review

MIDI objects would recognise and follow tempo markers, but the audio was left unaffected, therefore making these tempo-changing features less than useful. This was particularly noticeable if you were utilising tempo changes within an arrangement. Something I felt was lacking in previous versions of Samplitude was the ability to detect and adapt the tempo of audio beyond the base tempo of the project. If the project is already open, you can launch this start dialogue from Help / Start Selection. There is also a drop-down menu at the bottom left where you can switch between different saved UI settings. Clicking on the ‘audio setup’ button will open a smaller window from where you can change your driver and audio engine settings. You can also open existing projects or load wave files. You can access your templates and last-opened projects from this window, also create new multitrack projects and pre-name the takes for this new project.

samplitude pro x3 review

This dialogue will open by default when you launch Samplitude. One small enhancement will be apparent straight away: the start dialogue window has been given a graphical makeover and adds improved coherence when starting a new project.

Samplitude pro x3 review